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Heltäckande och rättvis fordonsdata för laddbara bilar

Laddbara bilar har den senaste tiden blivit en försäljningssuccé, mer populära än både bensin- och dieselmodellerna. Men de tekniskt avancerade laddhybriderna och elbilarna är också en utmaning för bilhandel och verkstäder.

För bilförsäljaren gäller det att ha korrekt information när kunden ställer sina frågor. "Hur långt kan jag köra på eldrift, i verkligheten?" "Vilken laddkontakt passar, kan jag ladda hemma och hur lång är laddtiden?"

Saken blir inte lättare av att den tekniska utvecklingen av de laddbara bilarna är mycket snabb. Samma bilmodell kan finnas i flera utförande, med olika tekniska data, beroende på tillverkningsdatum.

Vi kan nu erbjuda ett unikt, digitalt verktyg som innehåller mycket mer än de basala uppgifter som biltillverkaren tillhandahåller. Som vi alla vet är den uppgivna bränsleförbrukningen för laddhybrider något av en "glädjesiffra" – verkligheten är helt annorlunda. Även elbilar marknadsförs med en högst teoretisk räckvidd.

Laddbara fordon

Fält Exempel Beskrivning
capacity_useable 30.8 Useable battery capacity
capacity_full 31.5 Total or nominal battery capacity
capacity_estimate U Indicates if and what battery fields are estimates
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
type PHEV Type
fuel D Fuel
propulsion AWD Propulsion
power 235 Horsepower (kW)
power_hp 320 Horsepower (HP)
torque 700 Torque
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
wltp Rated efficiency in WLTP combined cycle (TEL / most efficient trim)
wltp_fueleq Rated efficiency in WLTP TEL combined cycle presented in fuel (petrol) equivalent
wltp_v 31.4 Rated vehicle efficiency in WLTP TEL combined cycle (calculated based on Range_WLTP)
wltp_fueleq_v 3.5 Rated vehicle efficiency in WLTP TEL combined cycle presented in fuel (petrol) equivalent
wltp_co2 Rated CO2 emissions in WLTP TEL combined cycle in battery only mode (NULL if not WLTP rated)
nedc Rated efficiency in NEDC combined cycle
nedc_fueleq Rated efficiency in NEDC combined cycle presented in fuel (petrol) equivalent
nedc_v 29.1 Rated vehicle efficiency in NEDC combined cycle (calculated based on Range_NEDC)
nedc_fueleq_v 3.3 Rated vehicle efficiency in NEDC combined cycle presented in fuel (petrol) equivalent
nedc_co2 Rated CO2 emissions in NEDC combined cycle in battery only mode
real 44 Calculated vehicle efficiency based on RealRange (useable battery / range)
real_fueleq_v 4.9 Vehicle efficiency based on RealRange presented in fuel (petrol) equivalent
real_whwy 61.6 RealRange efficiency in Worst - Highway situation
real_wcmb 47.4 RealRange efficiency in Worst - Combined situation
real_wcty 38.5 RealRange efficiency in Worst - City situation
real_bhwy 47.4 RealRange efficiency in Best - Highway situation
real_bcmb 38.5 RealRange efficiency in Best - Combined situation
real_bcty 30.8 RealRange efficiency in Best - City situation
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
acceleration 6.8 Acceleration 0-100 km/h
topspeed 210 Top speed of vehicle
Plug-in Hybrid
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
ice_efficiency_nedc 1.1 Efficiency according to NEDC Combined Cycle
ice_efficiency_nedc_co2 29 CO2 emissions according to NEDC Combined Cycle
ice_efficiency_nedc_battempty 5.8 Efficiency when battery is empty, calculated based on NEDC Combined Cycle
ice_efficiency_nedc_battempty_co2 156 CO2 emissions when battery is empty, calculated based on NEDC Combined Cycle
ice_efficiency_real_25km 0 Real efficiency based on a 25 km / 15 m trip (starting with full battery)
ice_efficiency_real_50km 0 Real efficiency based on a 50 km / 30 m trip (starting with full battery)
ice_efficiency_real_100km 2.2 Real efficiency based on a 100 km / 60 m trip (starting with full battery)
ice_efficiency_real_25km_co2 0 Real CO2 emissions based on a 25 km / 15 m trip (starting with full battery)
ice_efficiency_real_50km_co2 0 Real CO2 emissions based on a 50 km / 30 m trip (starting with full battery)
ice_efficiency_real_100km_co2 59 Real CO2 emissions based on a 100 km / 60 m trip (starting with full battery)
ice_efficiency_real_battempty 7.5 Real efficiency when battery is empty
ice_efficiency_real_battempty_co2 202 Real CO2 emissions when battery is empty
ice_range_nedc Range on battery according to NEDC Combined Cycle
ice_range_nedc_total Total range according to NEDC Combined Cycle
ice_range_real Real Range on battery according to EVDB Real Range
ice_range_real_total Real Total Range according to EVDB Real Range
ice_fueltank_capacity 65 Capacity of fuel tank
ice_displacement 1950 Displacement of internal combustion engine
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
wltp 98 Rated range in WLTP (TEL / most economical trim) combined cycle
wltp_estimate Nej Indicates if WLTP range is estimated
nedc 106 Rated range in NEDC combined cycle
nedc_estimate Nej Indicates if NEDC range is estimated
real 70 Index range in RealRange model
real_mode production Indicates what RealRange mode the model is
real_whwy 50 RealRange range in Worst - Highway situation
real_wcmb 65 RealRange range in Worst - Combined situation
real_wcty 80 RealRange range in Worst - City situation
real_bhwy 65 RealRange range in Best - Highway situation
real_bcmb 80 RealRange range in Best - Combined situation
real_bcty 100 RealRange range in Best - City situation
Fast charge
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
plug CCS Type of charge port on vehicle
plug_estimate Nej Indicates if Charge Plug is an estimate
plug_location Left Side - Rear Location of charge port
power_max 60 Maximum power during fastcharging from 10% to 80% SoC (optimal conditions, fastest charger)
power_avg 47 Average power during fastcharging from 10% to 80% SoC (optimal conditions, fastest charger)
chargetime 29 Minutes needed to charge from 10% to 80% SoC with average charing power (optimal conditions, fastest charger)
chargespeed 100 Charging speed during fastcharging from 10% to 80% SoC (optimal conditions, fastest charger)
optional Nej Indicates if fastcharge is optional in some markets/regions
estimate Nej Indicates if Fastcharge fields are estimates
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
plug Type 2 Type of charge port on vehicle
plug_estimate Nej Indicates if Charge Plug is an estimate
plug_location Left Side - Rear Location of charge port
OBC Standard
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
standard_power 7.4 Maximum power OBC can accept to charge battery (standard OBC)
standard_phase 2 Number of phases the OBC accepts to achieve maximum power (standard OBC)
standard_phaseamp 16 Maximum current the OBC accepts per phase to achieve maximum power (standard OBC)
standard_chargetime 300 Minutes needed to charge from 0% to 100% SoC (standard OBC)
standard_chargespeed 14 Charging speed when charging at maximum power (standard OBC)
standard_estimate Nej Indicates if Charge_Standard fields are estimates
OBC Standard (Tabell)
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
id 230V10A1X
evse_phasevolt 230 Voltage between phase and neutral for this EVSE (phase voltage)
evse_phaseamp 10 Current per phase for this EVSE (phase current)
evse_phase 1 Number of phases for this EVSE
charge_phasevolt 230 Voltage between phase and neutral used by standard OBC (phase voltage)
charge_phaseamp 10 Current per phase used by standard OBC (phase current)
charge_phase 1 Number of phases used by standard OBC
charge_power 2.3 Power used by standard OBC (before OBC losses)
charge_time 945 Minutes needed to charge from 0% to 100% SoC (standard OBC with this EVSE)
charge_speed 4 Charging speed when charging at maximum power (standard OBC with this EVSE)
OBC Alternative
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
OBC Alternative (Tabell)
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
OBC Option
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
OBC Option (Tabell)
Fält Exempel Beskrivning
id 230V10A1X
evse_phasevolt 230
evse_phaseamp 10
evse_phase 1
charge_phasevolt 230
charge_phaseamp 10
charge_phase 1
charge_power 2.3
charge_time 945
charge_speed 4

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